Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sexy School Uniform for a Moral Society

This article in The Star today caught me like the momentarily-blinding sunlight. I'm reminded that Sweden has minimal wife-beating incidences. Really, because there is almost no wife to beat. We know that Swedish people are often referred to as the freest society (unburdened of morals, also in terms of Index of Economic Freedom) and most advanced (refer to human development index, also the 2nd most ICT connected society).

More than half of Swedish men and women live without marriage, any Swede with any other for any length of time (this is the part I like). The people have coined a name for this arrangement: sambo (sam means together; bo means live). The family is no more legitimate. In fact, the family is looked down as un-modern, antiquated. Sweden is often cited by liberals as an example for freedom, gender rights, and human rights. However, Sweden has high incidences of women-beating, i.e men, whom are not husbands, beat women, whom are not wives. How free is free?

In Sweden, as an institution, the family is dead. The gov't has to step in to fill the gap - care for the infirm, the aged, and the unemployed. In substance, the Swedish are consequently, the least free - they are most state-dependent, in fact. Result, the Government bears the costs of helpers to look after the uncared for aged Swedish. Even medical care brought to them if they are unable to get around easily.

A nation like ours, need moral police such as Munirah Bahari, vice-president of National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia. Never mind Munirah's concern that “The white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction. ... This is the source of the problem, where we can see that schoolgirls themselves are capable of using this to attract men to them. ... This could see them getting molested, having premarital sex and all sorts of things . . .” (as quoted from the article). (by the way, I grew up in a community where women go about topless. Yet, till today, the community has zero molest, rape or incest case. In fact, respect & protection of women is a community norm. It came as a surprise to me that the east coast states of Peninsular M'sia has high rates of these 'silent' crimes compared to other states). It is the broader longer term effect of unpoliced moral in our Malaysian society that should be of more serious concern to us.

If not for saviours who are holier than us, like Munirah, the final phase of modernity is already on us - the non-procreative man-women union. If you are a regular at Fitness First gym, you'll also think that the continuing phase of modernity is the non-procreative man-man union. Consequently, population regresses threatening the existence of our nation, our cultures, and economic prospects.

Societies and families unshielded by the normative moral standards respected by our society, and not policed by the moral police such as the likes of Munirah, cannot survive. The society and family that function on normative moral standards, unburdens the gov't, releases people from the master-client relationship of Barisan Nasional and voters, and frees the citizens from state dominance. That is why we have a family provided social security and Western countries have a gov't-dependent social security.

We can now count on Munirah to set up a moral police department in the PM's Office. It is strategic for the enduring prosperity of our nation.

Is the momentarily-blinding sunlight coming through open windows better than the claustrophobic blackness of a secure and perpetually closed room?

Find some answers here.

If you are keen to be a moral police like me, watch this sexy school uniform. Munirah?

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