Saturday, May 10, 2008

Government Incentives for Farmers

Finally, the gov't delivers on it's promise. Now we're hearing the cheers from the farmers.

It would be interesting to see if the incentives really get to the real farmers in need. This is fertile ground for BN politicians to enrich themselves while influencing who gets the benefits. These incentives will go a long way in alleviating the food crisis and in helping farmers sustain their business in the wake of soaring production costs. So, politicians, think of what hungry people are capable of doing.

Kadar Insentif Tanaman
Sayur-sayuran - RM81/mt
Buah-buahan - RM78/mt

Kadar Insentif Ternakan
Penternak Kecil (RM/mt)

Telur Ayam 411
Susu 195
Daging Kambing 906
Unggas 780
Daging Lembu 1,122
Daging Babi 774

Penternak Komersial (RM/mt)

Telur Ayam 137
Susu 65
Daging Kambing 302
Unggas 260
Daging Lembu 374
Daging Babi 258

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