It's now obvious why divorce rate in Malaysia is as high as France's. Not that we can speak of France's culture in the same breathe as we speak of Malaysia's. Tan Sri Bernard Dompok had a one night stand with Tan Sri Leo Moggie till they got their arses blistered, but not by the infamous buttman, Dato Seri AI.
Leo Moggie didn't make any statement? Why? Isn't it obvious that he owe his living to the BN? So Bernard Dompok spoke up. Why? My guess is that Leo Moggie gave Bernard Dompok a blow job in return for him to do the talking.
Why is Bernard Dompok raising the demand now? I'll stick to the conspiracy theory for my answer. The Prime Minister or his people gave a blow job each to Bernard Dompok, Leo Moggie and Federick Lojingki in return for them to play lead roles in the "Sabah, Sarawak Demand More" drama.
It seems so real - such fine acts. But they missed the most telling evidence of a fake - Bernard Dompok, Minister in PM Dept. How convenient. In these trying times for the BN, succeeding at main wayang-wayang is critical success factor.
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