How is that the guys in the adult movies can last for hours before reaching orgasm? It's movie magic, stupid! But even in the live performances (go Europe), the guys seem to last forever.
This post is for the poor guys who can't last even a minute (normal is over 7 minutes). At the same time, it's also for the fathers who want to make baby girls or baby boys. What' the relationship? It's my theory to explain why there seems to be more girls than boys. I see more women than men in my office, I see more women driving on the roads in Kuala Terengganu than there are men, and certainly there are more females in schools, colleges and universities in our country.
For Fathers Day, I'll stick to absurdity and sexiness - how long you last determines if you'll get a baby girl or baby boy. No, you don't need the expensive high-tech techniques. Check to make sure I'm correct here.
The acidity or alkalinity of a woman's vagina is very important in determining baby boy or girl. An acidic environment favours girls, since it will kill the weaker male sperm first and leave a greater number of X sperm (female) to fertilise the egg. So, if you are trying for a boy, a good time for intercourse is when the vaginal balance changes to alkaline - on the day the woman ovulates, or ensure that she orgasms first before you do. Orgasms play a role in determining the sex of a child - the female orgasm. A woman’s body releases a substance that rises alkaline levels when she orgasms. Boys are produced much quicker when there are higher levels of alkaline.(so the explanation for the apparent more-female-than-male phenomena is perhaps because our women don't orgasm enough or because many men now don't last long enough for the women to orgasm).
Fathers, on this Fathers Day, if you want to make baby boys or just want to last as the guys in the movies do, check this drug, Dapoxetine, and this spray, the TEMPE Spray. Don't get over-excited yet. The drug and the spray are yet to be released. If you can't wait, these drugs are in use - Anafranil, Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil.
Happy Fathers Day, guys! Don't rush, but last.
1 comment:
I believe they use desensitizing creams in movies, they last REALLY long lol. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with lasting six to seven minutes assuming of course that's enough for one's partner. If not there's always things to consider. I've found some tips at and some over at if your reader's are interested in further info about p.e. Anyway, keep up the good work with your blog!
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