Saturday, April 5, 2008

World Class Sewage Equestrian Resort

Kuala Terengganu is the Heritage Waterfront City. Or is it the Sewage Waterfront City. This is a picture of the self-proclaimed World Class Equestrian Resort - the Terengganu Equestrian Resort or TER, There are at least 5 sewage drains feeding the resort's lake. The main ones feed untreated waste water from shops and houses across the road.

We may recall a Hollywood shoot that was supposed to happen on the waters of the Hong Kong harbour. It was called off because the harbour sea water has dangerous levels of contaminants. The TER lake is where people fish and do recreational activities. Take a walk along the lake and you'll be breathing pungent air from the lake. So here's the deal that city-status citizens get.

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Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Now if only Playboy hopped on the Augmented Reality bandwagon . . . aahh . . . the possibilities.